exercise due: calendar week 7 (Tuesday). That should give you enough time to come up with outstanding pieces of art.
Work in groups and create a newsshow/ TV report about the state of the EU in the year 2075. That's right, that's in the future.
So before you start filming (and yes, you have to play the parts: e.g. news presenter, field reporter, EU president (if you decide there's going to be ne), expert, member of the European parliament, or historian (if e.g. you decide that the EU will break apart), or or or), you have to discuss in your group what you think the future of the EU will look like. Your report/TV show needs to include a summary of how the EU has developed from 2025 - 2075 and WHY. In addition, obviously, an overview of the current (as in 2075) state of the EU.
Below you'll find some material as a starting point (!) to your research.
I trust that you'll manage to include everyone in a group. Groups have to be at least three persons and a maximum of five.
And of course those reports/TV shows will be graded. So put in some effort ;) Think of props, a TV studio, etc.
In general, the following five scenarios are considered to be the most probable. However, those were developed in 2017 and actually try to predict the development till 2025.... but those scenarios are still the ones most people talk about. But of course you might come to a completely different result in your discussion.
• Scenario 1: Carrying On. The EU27 focuses on delivering its positive reform agenda in the spirit of the Commission’s New Start for Europe from 2014 and of the Bratislava Declaration agreed by all 27 Member States in 2016
• Scenario 2: Nothing but the Single Market. The EU27 is gradually re-centred on the single market as the 27 Member States are not able to find common ground on an
increasing number of policy areas.
• Scenario 3: Those Who Want More Do More. The EU27 proceeds as today but allows willing Member States to do more together in specific areas such as defence, internal
security or social matters.
• Scenario 4: Doing Less More Efficiently. The EU27 focuses on delivering more and faster in selected policy areas, while doing less where it is perceived not to have an
added value. Attention and limited resources are focused on selected policy areas.
• Scenario 5: Doing Much More Together. Member States decide to share more power, resources and decision-making across the board. Decisions are agreed faster at European
level and rapidly enforced.
You find a more in-depth explanation here.
This link leads to you an interesting "four-scenario-presentation" from the University of Helsinki. You'll find a lot of detail there.
With regards to the question, how the EU will position itself in international relations, this article is quite interesting.